Audi A3

since 1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi A3
+ Maintenance instruction
- Current leaving and service
   Schedule of routine maintenance
   General information on control
   Check of levels of liquids, control of leaks
   Check of a condition of tires and pressure in them
   Replacement of impellent oil and oil filter
   Check of a gear belt of a drive of GRM on existence of damages, wear measurement
   Check of brake system
   Check of fuel system
   Rotation and replacement of wheels. Antisliding chains
   Check of a condition and replacement of hoses of an impellent compartment, localization of leaks
   Check of functioning of system of cooling
   Check of a condition of system of production of the fulfilled gases
   Visual check of tightness of a box of gear shifting
   Check of a condition of components of a suspension bracket and steering
   Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
   Greasing of clamps of doors and lock cylinder
   Condition check, adjustment and replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Visual control of a seat belt and safety cushion block
   Check of a condition of the battery, care of it and charging
   Check of level of the RKPP transmission oil
   Replacement of the filter of air of salon
   Replacement of a filtering element of the air filter
   Replacement of brake liquid
   Check and replacement of spark plugs
   Replacement of the fuel filter of the diesel engine
   Check of level of liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel
   Check of level of liquid of the main transfer of automatic transmission
   Oil replacement in coupling of Haldex of models with a full drive
   Check of a condition of driving ridge belts
   Check of level of the AT transmission liquid
+ Engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ engine Electric equipment
+ Manual box of gear shifting
+ Automatic transmission and models with a full drive
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment
+ Elektroskhema

лечение спины 38a8de3e

Current leaving and service



Types and volumes of applied greasings and liquids


Petrol engines

All models, except equipped with AJQ engines:

Unleaded gasoline is not worse AI-95

Application of unleaded gasoline not worse AI-91 is allowed, thus engine capacity decreases.

Models with AJQ engines:

Unleaded gasoline is not worse AI-98. Application of unleaded gasoline not worse AI-95 is allowed, thus engine capacity decreases.

Diesel engines

Diesel fuel on DIN EN1) 590 Tsetanovoye number not less than 49
Biodiesel fuel on DIN 51 6063) РМЕ
Fuel tank
Volume 55 l or 62 l on models with a full drive
including reserve stock 7 l or 8 l on models with a full drive
Type water with S concentrate – in the summer, W – in the winter or alcohol (no more than 15 %) with water
Volume 3 l, 5.5 l in the presence of faroomyvatel
Impellent oil (Address also to subsection materials Automobile himikaliya, oils and greasings)
Type For models, since 2000 of release (MJ 00), the interval of service (WIV) is prolonged and new requirements of AUDI for impellent oil are provided.
Petrol engines//Diesel engines
to 4/99 (MJ 98) 500 00, 501 01, 502 00//500 00 + 505 00 or 501 01 + 505 00
from 5/99 (MJ 00) without WIV 500 00, 501 01, 502 00//500 00 + 505 00, 505 00, 505 01
from 5/99 (MJ 00) with WIV 503 00, 503 01//506 00, 506 01
Audi S3 503 01//–
+ designates that both specifications should be specified on oil packing

SF/SG application (CD diesel engine) oils according to the API specification, or A2/A3 according to the ACEA specification (diesel engine В3 or В4) is possible
Viscosity 5W30 (frigid climate), 20W40 (hot climate)
Volume, with filter replacement
All engines 4.5 l
Difference between marks of "max" and “min” in a measuring core 1 liter
Cooling system mix of soft water (60 %) and antifrizny concentrate (40 %)
Antifrizny concentrate G12 A8D (red color) or corresponding to the TL-VW 774 specification D (do not mix with any other)
System volume
L engines 1.6, 1.8 5.0 l
The amount of antifreeze added in system of cooling for ensuring of demanded frost resistance (thus as much a cooler to merge), l

The measured value, °C. 0 – 5 – 10 – 15 – 20 – 30 Capacity
L engine 1.6, 1.8
Differential quantity
Demanded frost resistance 2.5 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.2 0.5
– 35 ° 5.0

Apply only “G12” (red color). It is not necessary to apply “G11” (green color). Do not mix G11 and G12. It can lead to heavy damages of the engine.

It is shown below, how many antifreeze it is necessary to add to provide desirable frost resistance.

Example: Measurement shows protection against freezing to temperature of-10 °C. In this case from system of cooling it is necessary to merge 2.2 l of liquid and to add 2.2 l of pure antifreeze. Then protection is provided to temperature of-35 °C.

Manual transmission
Type Synthetic G052 SAE 75W90 of the G 50 specification
020 (engines of 1.6 l) 1.9 l
02А (engines of 1.8 l) 2.0 l
Automatic transmission
Type ATF ESSO EGL 71 141 or AUDI-ET No. G052 162 A2 (light yellow)
At replacement 3.0
In total 5.3 l
Oil of the main transfer of automatic transmissions 0.75 l, synthetic oil G052 145 … SAE 75W90
Oil of the coupling of coupling of Haldex of models with a full drive 0.25 oil l for coupling of Haldex of the A1 G 052 175 specification  
Steering G 002 000
Brake system 1.5 l, FMVSS DOT 4
Greasing of power shafts
Greasing type AUDI G 000 603 greasing
Greasing volume
External hinge ball and tripodny
Hinge Zh of 81 mm
The general 80 g
Volume in the hinge 40 g
Volume in a protective cover 40 g
Hinge Zh of 90 mm
The general 120 g
Volume in the hinge 80 g
Volume in a protective cover 40 g
The internal hinge – ball
Hinge Zh of 94 mm
The general 90 g
Volume in the hinge 40 g
Volume in a protective cover 50 g
Hinge Zh of 100 mm
The general 120 g
Volume in the hinge 50 g
Volume in a protective cover 70 g
The internal hinge – tripodny
The general 180 g
Volume in front of the hinge 90 g
Volume from a reverse side of the hinge 90 g
Greasing for battery plugs Bosch Ft 40 v 1

Values for check idling

Turns of idling, rpm
AEH, AGN 760-880
AGU, AQA 800-920
1.9 TDI 875-950
Level WITH, % max 0.5
Level of CO2, % 14.5-16.0
Level О2, % 0.1-0.5
Values for check on 2500-2800 rpm
Value lambda 0.97-1.03
Level WITH, % 0.3

Spark plugs

Engine designation Type Interelectrode gap, mm
AEH, AGN NGK BKUR of 6 ET-10 or AUDI 101000033AA 1.0
AGU Bosch F7LTCR or AUDI 101000051AA 1.0

Turnkey size 16 mm
Glow plugs
Beru GN 855
Bosch 0 250 202 022
Champion CH 171
Lucas/CAV HDS 342
Size of tires/sizes of disks//Depth of a press fitting
195/65 R15 91H//6J x 15 H2//38 of mm  
185/65R15 88Q/T/H M+S//6J x 15 H2//38 of mm  
205/65 R15 89H//6J x 15 H2//38 of mm  
205/55 R16 91V//6J x 15 H2//44.5 of mm  
185/65R15//6J x 15 H2//38 of mm  
Spare wheel T125/90 R15
Pressure of air in tires of forward wheels//back wheels, a bar
Average loading
Tires 195/65 R15, 205/65 R15, 205/55 R16 1.8/1.8
Tires 185/65R15, 225/45 R17W 2.1/2.1
Full load
Tires 195/65 R15, 205/65 R15, 205/55 R16 2.2/2.7
Tires 185/65R15, 225/45 R17W 2.5/2.8
Low-dimensional spare wheel 4.2/4.2
Sizes of nominal pressure of air for all sizes of normal tires established at plant (summer tires, all-weather tires) are specified on a sticker on inside of a cover of the hatch of a toplivozalivny mouth. Pressure of a spare emergency wheel is specified on боковине tires.
Nuts of wheels М14х1.5х27.5, turnkey size of 17 mm
Category of speed of tires
S 180 km/h
T 190 km/h
H 210 km/h
V 240 km/h
W 270 km/h
ZR over 270 km/h


The word "reinforced" at the end of marking of the tire means the strengthened execution.

Efforts of a tightening of carving connections

The moments of an inhaling of fixture are given also in the text and on some иллюстрациях*.
Masloslivnye of a stopper in the case pallet 30 N of m
Stopper of a maslonalivny opening of automatic transmission 15 H of m
Drain stopper of oil of the coupling of coupling of Haldex of models with a full drive 15 N of m
Stopper of a jellied opening of the coupling of coupling of Haldex of models with a full drive 30 N of m
Spark plugs 30 N of m, 25 N of m (NGK BKR of 5 EKUP)
Nuts of wheels 120 N of m

This Head is made to help the amateur mechanic to support the car in a condition of maximum efficiency of operational parameters, profitability, safety and reliability. Further you will find the full schedule of procedures of routine maintenance of the car, and also the Sections devoted to the description of service of its separate systems in Head. Descriptions of visual checks, adjustments are included in Sections, replacements of components and other good advice. Illustrations with types of an impellent compartment and the car bottom will help to define a site of separate components. Serving the car according to the kilometrazhno-time schedule and following the detailed instructions provided below, you receive the accurate program of the service, capable to provide long and reliable service of your car. Remember that this plan is exhaustive, and performance of its separate points and neglect others will not give expected result.

Current leaving

In the course of car service you are convinced soon that is possible – and it is necessary – to combine many procedures in view of similarity of actions on their performance. For example, if the car is raised over the earth for chassis greasing, follows at the same time while you are under the car, to examine system of production of the fulfilled gases, a suspension bracket, system of a steering and fuel system. If wheels are removed for carrying out other works, there is a sense to check brake mechanisms. And at last, suppose, that you had to borrow or hire a dinamometrichesky key. Even if it is necessary to you only to tighten a spark plug, you can check at the same time efforts of a tightening of so many critical nuts and bolts, on time how many will suffice.

The first step in implementation of the program of maintenance of the car is self-preparation. Attentively study materials of all Sections relating to the forthcoming procedures, then prepare all necessary materials, the equipment and tools. If you are afraid to face problems at performance of any concrete works, consult at the expert or at the person who was already carrying out this work.

The service which is carried out according to the index of intervals of service on a control panel


The increased interval of service (WIV) is applied to models since 2000 of release (MJ00) (cars with Long-Life-Service system). Cars with this system can be determined by the number "QG1" in the service book or according to the plate with car data. The plate with data of the car is in a luggage carrier near a niche for a spare wheel.

At cars with Long-Life-Service system, thanks to accurate operation and sparing conditions of application, a service interval in 15 000 km or respectively 12 months can be increased twice. Thus, the maximum interval of service makes 30 000 km or 24 months, thus term of approach of service is signaled according to the index of intervals of service on the dashboard. The driver approximately for 3000 km is warned by "service in 3000 km" index (“service through 3000 km”) after each inclusion of ignition. After approach of term of the service defined by a monitor, there is “service” “service jetzt” message (“service now”). After that, service should be carried out immediately. At cars which during an interval of service passed less than 3000 km, the specified prevention appears without a preliminary signal.

Under very severe constraints of operation service at cars with Long-Life-Service system can be carried out after 15.000 km or each 12 months.

Service surely includes replacement of oil and works accompanying it.

The cars having given below characteristic, can be equipped with Long-Life-Service system:

1. Special (“flexibel”) index of intervals of service.
2. Touch sensor of low level of impellent oil.
3. Index of wear of brake shoes.
4. Impellent oil of long working capacity AUDI–Norm 503 00 (gasoline) or 506 00 (diesel engine).
5. The low-served lead-calcium storage battery.

At cars with Long-Life-Service system at which the system is filled with oil, distinct from AUDI–Norm 503 00 or 506 00, the index of intervals of service should be established on 15.000 km or 12 months. It is made by index dumping by means of the adjusting button on a control panel.

At cars without Long-Life-Service system it is necessary to make replacement of oil and service according to the service plan.

Intervals of service of the car depend on time which has expired from the moment of the last service, and run.

In need of service, after inclusion of ignition and engine start, for one minute instead of run indications on the counter of a tachometer there is a signal of the index of service.

Thus one blink or both indexes:

service OIL (replacement of oil and accompanying works) or service INSP (inspection service).

As scale at calculation of service cycles the index takes time or the passable distance from the moment of the last dumping of the index in a starting position. Thus in calculation 1000 km or 10 days between emergence of the index and carrying out service undertake. Additional factors in calculation are not accepted.

If service is carried out, it is necessary to dump the service index in starting (zero) position.

HUNDRED AUDIS in addition, at each service, by means of the device for poll of memory of malfunctions of V.A.G. 1551 read out data from memory of malfunctions of electronic monitors of the engine, ABS, a safety cushion and anticreeping system. It is for this purpose recommended to address through certain periods on HUNDRED. Thus it is necessary to mean that some malfunctions, for example the failed sensors of a control system of the engine, do not lead to appreciable decrease in characteristics of the car. Monitors have a mode of emergency functioning or work at reserve parameters that cannot be revealed by the driver. Poll of memory of malfunctions is carried out via the diagnostic socket.

At the cars which have or not having Long-Life-Service system, the index of intervals of service, after carrying out service or oil replacement, it should be dumped. If it is carried out by means of adjusting buttons on a control panel, the index is established on ”nicht flexibel”. In this case concerning the car the usual plan of service, according to term and the passable distance operates. If the index is established on ”flexibel”, it should be dumped by means of the device for reading of malfunctions or system of diagnostics of the car in conditions HUNDRED.

Sbrasyvaniye of the index of intervals of service

Control panel

1–adjustment button
2–button of a measuring instrument of run
3–run index

The index of intervals of service can be dumped in two various ways: in conditions HUNDRED for this purpose the device for poll of memory of malfunctions of V.A.G is used. 1551, attached to the diagnostic socket on the central console.
If the specified device available is not present, the index can be dumped in a starting position by a key of dumping of a measuring instrument of run and hours on the dashboard as follows:

Thus, the service index which has been adjusted on «flexibel» (flexible) is established on «nicht flexibel» (not flexible).

1. Switch off ignition, the ignition key – in zero situation.
2. Press and hold a key-2-of the counter of the passable way.
3. Include ignition. On the index of the passable way–3–there is «service OEL» message. Release a key-2-.
4. Extend approximately on 2 about the button of-1-hours. Such way dumps «service OEL» message. Depending on date of the index the message of "service OEL" remains or there are three strokes (-–––).
5. Once again press a key-2-and release it. There is a switching on «service INSP» message.
6. Extend approximately on 2 about the adjusting button-1-near a tachometer. The index of service is dumped. Depending on date of the index the message of "service OEL" remains or there are three strokes (-–––).
7. Switch off ignition.


At shutdown of the storage battery of the indication of the index remain.